Monday 20 August 2012

Plantar Warts -successful Home remedy

  For "warts" on your sole (under your foot)

If you detect “Plantar Wart” sysptoms in early stages, there is chance of preventing easily.

      -Keep your feet clean all the time.
          -soak your feet in lukewarm water for 5 minutes.
          -clean your feet with dry cloth.
          -prevent your feet form sweating.

      -Wear Socks.
      - Don’t use foot wear of others, use your own.
      - Surface of your footwear shoudn’t be hard. But, it should be very smooth & soft (sponge kind of material - ortho footwear)
one kind of - Ortho Footwear

      -Try to wear these kind of footwear even your at home. (even in washroom)

Note: it's my own experience.
-I realized at early stage of warts on my sole (under foot). I went to doctor. Even she didn't suggested any medication in the early stages.
-She advised me to do the above thing.
-It prevented "Plantar Warts" on my feet in 1-2 weeks.

                                                        --- Plantar Warts (Overview & Causes)>>>
                                                                           --- Plantar Warts Symptoms>>>   


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