Monday 20 August 2012

Plantar Warts Symptoms

Foot pain, feels like a lump under the foot. Not soft and yielding to pressure, warty (rough, bumpy, and spongy, some appear thick and scaly) lesions with tiny pinpoint dark spots inside (but, not apparent).
Plantar Wart

These dark spots are minute, thrombosed (containing blood clots) capillaries in the deeper layers of the skin.
- Painful.
- Embarrassing.
- Easily irritated.
- It may spread to other parts of your body (or) to other people.
-          Smooth surface with a gray-yellow or brown color.Located over areas of pressure or bony point such as the heel and ball of the foot.Usually flat because of pressure.

                                                  more      --- Plantar Warts (Overview & Causes)>>>
                                                         --- Plantar Warts (successful Home remedy)>>>


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