Monday 20 August 2012

Plantar Warts

(Overview & Causes)

Warts are most common viral infection of skin. Plantar Warts grow on the surface of Skin, or the sole (under side) of the foot. These are areas of body may get, this common viral infection called Plantar Wart, tend produce symptoms in areas of pressure and friction. Mostly on under side of foot.
Toe Plantar Wart

Risk Factors of this infection “Plantar Warts”. These are the possible reasons:
The HPV type 1 causes most plantar warts.
1)      Too much sweating under your feet.
2)      Wearing your shoes (footwear) very tightly.
3)      Some time when wear footware of others (friends & family also).
4)      Use of public showers.
5)      Weakened immune system because of certain medications used or illness.

-          -Plantar warts are seen in all age groups.
-          -But, they are most common among children 12 to 16 years of age & rare in the elders.
-          -The “Human Papillomavirus” is the virus causes Warts.
-          -Some time warts resolved with our own home remedies. Some times it may become necessary to be medicated.
-          -The incubation period (the period of time between infection and the production of the visible skin lesion) is  unknown but has been estimated to vary from months to years.
-          -Historical evidence is of little benefit in attempting to determine how one's wart was acquired.
-          -There are at least 120 different types of human papillomavirus (HPV), and only certain types are  responsible for skin warts.
-         -The HPV type 1 causes most plantar warts.
-         - Certain virus types tend to infect specific anatomical areas, of course I said earlier, like the “plantar” surface of the foot.
-          -Other HPV types infect the genital tract and are a cause of cervical and other genital cancers.
-          -Warts are ubiquitous infections, with least one-half of adults infected during their lifetime.

-Go ahead and read them, You’ll get clear vision & easily curable tip of “Plantar Warts"- 

                                                      --- Plantar Warts Symptoms>>>                                                                                          --- Plantar Warts (successful Home remedy)>>>

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