Saturday, 8 September 2012

Osteoporosis is more common in women


Osteoporosis is a bone tissue disease which weakens the bones and may cause unexpected break ups. This chronic disease may affect every person of any age, but in most cases it starts appearing for 40-50 years old women. Unfortunately, osteoporosis has no obvious symptoms and its first signs can be noticed only after the injury. Osteoporosis is divided into primary (this appears in older age) and secondary osteoporosis which is initiated by various diseases, like hyperthyroidism (too active thyroid), hyperparathyroidism (too active parathyroid glands), chronic pain in joints, kidneys, lungs, bowel disease, multiple myeloma, certain hereditary diseases or drugs. The primary osteoporosis affects both sexes, but women suffer from it 5-6 times. The most rapid bone tissue loss in women begins together with menopause because it caused by hormonal changes.

Osteoporosis risk factors are:

• You are older than 50 years old. (may be 40 years aslo in few cases.)
• You are female.
• Your family history shows osteoporosis cases.
• You are thin and don’t weight much.
• You suffer from menopause.
• You have ovaries removed.
• You are physically inactive, have spent long-term in bed because of variety of chronic diseases.
• Your diet doesn’t guarantee enough calcium or vitamin D.
• You consume much alcohol and cigarettes.
• You have chronic health problems (hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, some stomach surgery, etc.).
• You use drugs that may have side effects.

According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, people trying to avoid osteoporosis should exercise regularly (weight lifting exercises are especially recommended because they help to strengthen muscles while increasing bone density) and eat balanced, rich in calcium and vitamin D foods. In order to avoid osteoporosis, doctors also recommend using calcium supplements. Recommended dose of calcium per day for people younger than 50 years old - 800-1000 mg, over 40-50 years - 1000-1200 mg, pregnant women - 1200-1500 mg. Make sure that you use organic compounds, like lactate and citrate – they can be best absorbed by our body. (More >>)

Osteoporosis Overview: >>>
Osteoporosis Causes: >>>
Osteoporosis Symptoms: >>>
Osteoporosis Medical Treatment: >>> 


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